last updated March 10, 2025
Like to Read? Join the Book Club that meets in Camellia
Room (usually on the 3rd Tuesday of the month) at 10:00 am. Contact Deb if
you want to join on Zoom!
We will read one book a month and then discuss it together. We
have excellent, fun, and far-ranging discussions!
April 15 we will discuss
The Frozen River by Ariel Lawhon.
Books are suggested by members, so if you have a great book
to share, pass it on! Contact Deb
Davidson to be added to the book club email list
There is no charge for admission; young children should be accompanied by an adult. Low cost refreshments are available for purchase, and include popcorn, pizza, 1/4 pound all-beef hot dogs, candy, chips, drinks, and more. Proceeds go toward funding youth and young adult service projects in our community. Faith Theater 1 in Curtis Hall (upstairs Fellowship Hall) has a 30 foot wide screen, a high-definition laser projector, and crisp surround sound. It's a movie theater experience in our own relaxed, local uptown atmosphere, with table and chair seating to easily watch the movie and enjoy refreshments. Faith Theater 2 in Cremer Lounge (downstairs Fellowship Hall) has a more intimate atmosphere with a 15 foot wide screen, the same excellent picture and sound quality, and a fabulous combination of comfy couch or table & chair seating. For ramp access, please use the door on Acacia Street (10:30 am - 11:00 am). Doors open at 10:30 am, and the movie will start promptly at 11:00 am. Please come early to get your seat and refreshments and follow CDC guidelines. Faith Theaters 1 and 2 are located in Fellowship Hall at the corner of Adams and Acacia Streets. |
Church Supports Family Promise
Promise is a local organization that helps develop comprehensive, holistic
solutions for families facing homelessness. The House of Faith,
United Methodist Church of Yucaipa is in support of this organization and
contributes with money, time, talents, and use of our facilities. You can
help! Visit the Family
Promise website and click on the Donate button. Family Promise is currently
running a Food for Families program that provides food on a weekly basis to
about 60 families in need.
Night Out!
Night is usually the 4th Friday of the month from 6:00 pm until 8:30 pm.
Please email if you would like to be updated with event information. Parent's Night Out is for children ages 5 and up. Parents are always welcome to stay and join in the fun, or leave their children to enjoy some well-earned free time!
Parent's Night Out makes learning fun and helps children develop balanced social skills. The evening is usually based around a theme, and will include some combination of games, crafts, movies, snacks, and more. This is a great opportunity for your child to build friendships in a safe, supervised setting while you take a little time off. Check the monthly newsletter for more specific event information!
Development programs like GYTTE provide skills for transformation. Dry composting toilets, medical training, better housing, and better farming techniques help make life better throughout rural areas. People can help themselves, their family, and community within their own culture and country, making it unnecessary to cross national borders in search of employment.
Give Ye Them To Eat is an approved Advance Special of the General Board of Global Ministries. That means they have the approval of the GBGM of the United Methodist Church to raise mission funds in support of this ongoing outreach ministry. Consequently, we are asking you to seriously consider making a donation, as soon as you are able, so the GYTTE staff can continue preparing people for sustainable living and community service in Mexico.
Ways to Give
Online with a Credit Card |
Mail Your Check |
Through Our Church |
Give a gift online by going to, clicking on How to Give and Donate Online from the blue menu bar, and typing in Give Ye Them To Eat, #07629A. Credit card gifts can also be given over
the phone by calling |
To send a check by mail, make your check payable to Advance
GCFA and write Give Ye Them To Eat, #07629A on the memo line. Send
your donation to: |
Write a check to our church (UMCOY)and write GYTTE on the
memo line. Put it in the offering, or bring it to the office. The church will
send 100% of your donation to the Advance for the Give Ye Them to Eat
program. |
100% of your donation will reach the GYTTE program in Mexico. Thank you. Muchas Gracias.
Field Office Address:
GYTTE / Hendersons
Perote No. 1, Col.
La Paz Puebla
Puebla 72160 Mexico
Web Site:
Even the poorest in our society is rich by global standards. Much of the world subsists on less than $2 a day. How much is that? Well, if you only make $10,000 a year, that's still $27 a day. If you are a teenager with a part time job and only make $5000 a year, that's still over $13.50 a day. Two dollars a day is less than $750 a year in income.
Those of us that have clean water, shelter, police and fire services, sanitation, daily food, education, freedom to worship, freedom of speech, and government elections are truly blessed. And all that we possess are gifts entrusted to us by God. We have not collected our possessions and wealth, large or small, on our own, but through the grace and circumstances given to us by God. Being born in the United States provides substantial opportunity, even for the poor. God has designed each of as as unique individuals with capabilities and intelligence, and every unique aspect of our personality make us special. Do we value what God has created in us? How do we show our thanks? God asks that we give a tithe back to Him, and when we are faithful in our giving, He is faithful in supplying our needs. God is good... all the time.
We need to support the financial needs of our own church. The Bible recommends giving 10% of our income, and we should all do that as a minimum. But if we even gave half that, our church would have enough money to meet the ongoing needs to fulfill our mission. We need to remember that this is our church, take ownership, and make the sacrifices that are necessary to support God's work here in Yucaipa!
Please help to ensure that our church has a strong financial future so that we can successfully meet the needs of our members and our community. Look from your heart at what you contribute to our church. There are many things that you can contribute in addition to your financial resources... your time, your talents, and your presence. God has greatly blessed us all. Please prayfully consider what you will commit to give back to God and step out on faith to give God's portion first. You will be continue to be blessed beyond measure.
The House of Faith, United Methodist Church of Yucaipa, work with the Interfaith Community Support Center for the Yucaipa valley (ICSC) to help provide their breakfast cereal needs. The ICSC is open Mondays and Thursdays from 10:00am to 1:00pm. The ICSC provides up to a 3 day supply of food for local families that need a little assistance to tide them over. Having one central food distribution center allows more efficient collection and distribution of food to those in need.
How can you help? Each time you shop, pick up an extra box or two of cereal. Bring the cereal to the church and leav it in the Narthex. We will transport it to ICSC at the end of the month.
What else can you do? Call Susan Walker at the center (797-0007) and volunteer your time, or bring food donations. They have a refrigerator and freezer if you have perishable donations, but call before you bring them to make sure they have room. If you have fruit trees with extra produce, you can bring the fruit in or call the center to have someone come and pick it for you.
They are especially in need of:
boxed cereal |
macaroni and cheese |
peanut butter |
Top Ramen |
jelly |
Tuna Helper |
canned meat (e.g.: tuna, Spam, chicken) |
Jello |
canned chili or beef stew |
frozen entrees |
If your donations aren't too large, you can leave them in the church office during regular business hours. You can also donate cash or Stater Brothers Scrip Cards so they can purchase needed items. They are located behind the St. Francis Xavier Cabrini Catholic Church at 12687 California Street, Yucaipa.